We invite researchers, clinicians, health technology developers and interested other stakeholders to join our upcoming workshop “Pioneering digital transformation in healthcare” which will take place on Tuesday, 6th February 2024, at Vienna House Diplomat in Prague. PANCAIM will be co-hosting the event along with our consortium partner AMIRES.

We will explore the latest advancements in European research to support the digital transformation quest, discuss application needs, trends and breakthrough technologies as well as best practices, challenges, lessons learned and success stories of digital transformation in the healthcare sector. Amongst them. PANCAIM Coordinator Henkjan Huisman will also present the activities and results from the project.

From academic, institutional and industry stakeholders, we will learn about best practices, challenges, lessons learned and success stories of digital transformation in healthcare at EU, national and institutional levels.

But most importantly: We will connect top researchers and innovators in the European Digital Health ecosystem and establish new contacts for fostering collaborations for available and upcoming research funding in the field!

More info and a tentative agenda are available here. Attendance is free of charge and includes lunch and coffee breaks, but registration is required. There are only a few last spots available, so if interested, we strongly encourage you to register here until 31.01.2024!

We hope to see you in Prague soon!