The Spanish National Cancer Research Institute (CNIO) offers a postdoctoral employment opportunity within the PANCAIM project. The Postdoctoral Research Assistant position is available within the Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Group (GMEG) and is aimed at a recent and motivated Ph.D. with relevant publications and experience in molecular/omics epidemiology. CNIO is an international cancer research centre of excellence with an active and stimulating working environment with a multidisciplinary approach to cancer research.
The position involves working on the studies related to the PANCAIM project including genomics, radiomics, and digital pathology. In collaboration with other investigators, the postholder will take responsibilities in the project management, conducting statistical analysis of complex data, reporting results in scientific meetings and manuscripts, preparing grant applications, and supervising PhD students. Contributions to multiple related publications and development of new research ideas are expected from the postholder as a result of a pro-active participation in the projects led by the Group.
Candidates are invited to send their applications by e-mail to, clearly quoting the Reference: AIPOSEG10 in the subject line of the e-mail.
More information is available in the job posting as well as the CNIO Website.