Categories for Event

From AI development to validation: the PANCAIM M36 Meeting in Prague

February 9, 2024 10:09 am Published by Leave your thoughts

This week, around 30 PANCAIM team members - researchers, AI developers, bioinformaticians, clinicians from 9 partner organisations in Europe - gathered in Prague for the project's M36 meeting! We have been working hard for the last 3 years to achieve our objectives and develop tools to revolutionise pancreatic cancer care for hospitals and patients. So what's new?

Pioneering digital transformation in healthcare Workshop – 06.02.2024 in Prague

January 15, 2024 4:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

We invite researchers, clinicians, health technology developers and interested other stakeholders to join our upcoming workshop "Pioneering digital transformation in healthcare" which will take place on Tuesday, 6th February 2024, at Vienna House Diplomat in Prague. PANCAIM will be co-hosting the event along with our consortium partner AMIRES.